Freelance Web Design


Economics Factory

Grade improving resources

01. The Brief

Peter got in touch with me to help update his ageing website into something more modern and enticing for potential customers. The brief was to build an online store where he could sell digital teaching resources, books and magazines to his audience of Students and Teachers. The website also needed to be easy to use and meet strict criteria for functional requirements.

02. Challenges

The brief was fairly straight-forward, but the accompanying pieces of functionality were anything but. Peter needed users to be registered as either a Student or a Teacher and depending on their user type, access would be limited to certain areas. This required me to build a bespoke User Registration flow into the WooCoomerce platform to allow for that level of restriction.

03. Services I provided

For this project, I wireframed, designed and built the website from the ground up. The site was integrated into WordPress using a bespoke theme developed by myself, along with WooCommerce integration. The theme was built totally from the ground up, specifically for this website.

UX/UI Design | Development | CMS Integration | Bespoke Theme | Ecommerce

04. The Results

The resulting website functions exactly as required and met all the expectations of the client. The design is clean, modern and easy to use. As an e-commerce site, the shopping experience is seamless from product to checkout. The back-end of the website is intuitive and easy to update. In the first 3 days of launch, the website had over 30 unique user registrations.

Clean and functional UX to enable a smooth ecommerce experience

Deepening my knowledge of ecommere platforms

Due to the technical requirements of this online store, my knowledge and skills in developing e-commerce sites have drastically improved. Not only the technical aspect but also the UX/UI aspect. Designing for an e-commerce store requires a specific type of thinking and planning. I’m incredibly proud of the outcome and I leave this project a better developer and designer than when I first started.

Case Studies

I've worked with some amazing clients

Designing websites is my passion. I aim to deliver nothing but the best for my clients. Don’t just take my word for it, view a selection of my latest work and see how we can work together to help improve your digital presence.


Temporarily Unavailable – My Keyboard is on Vacation*

Hello! Thanks for visiting - unfortunately I’m no longer taking on any new freelance projects as I currently hold a full-time agency position. If you are an existing client, you can continue to contact me as normal.

* I'm not actually on vacation, I wish!