Freelance Web Design


Pepper Rocks

Pepper Rocks is a cocktail bar hidden in the centre of Nottingham.

01. The brief

I was approached to help give the Pepper Rocks website a new subtle redesign. The new website needed to get across key details to any potential visitors and show off the unique space they had created. Imagery was vitally important, so I had to create spaces to allow for big, bold imagery to draw the users attention. A carousel was also incorporated to put upcoming events front and centre.

02. Services I provided

For this project I wireframed, designed and built the website using WordPress. The site uses a bespoke, light-weight theme, built pixel-for-pixel from the designs I provided.

Design | Development | CMS Integration

A subtle yet necessary re-design

The final result

We took the website back to the very basics. What we ended up with is a clean and easy to navigate website that did nothing more than advertise and showcase the venue. The site also features areas to upload food and drinks menus, and a Map glued to the bottom pin-pointing the bars exact location.

Case Studies

I've worked with some amazing clients

Designing websites is my passion. I aim to deliver nothing but the best for my clients. Don’t just take my word for it, view a selection of my latest work and see how we can work together to help improve your digital presence.


Temporarily Unavailable – My Keyboard is on Vacation*

Hello! Thanks for visiting - unfortunately I’m no longer taking on any new freelance projects as I currently hold a full-time agency position. If you are an existing client, you can continue to contact me as normal.

* I'm not actually on vacation, I wish!