Freelance Web Design



Hidden cocktail bar in central Nottingham

The Brief

Saff approached me to help give his new cocktail bar a unique digital presence. Nothing overly-complicated, just a simple to use brochure site that highlighted via imagery the unique atmosphere. Details had to be easy to find and presented to the user as soon as they landed on the site.

Services I provided

For this project I wireframed, designed and built the website using WordPress. The site uses a bespoke, light-weight theme, built pixel-for-pixel from the designs I provided.

Design | Development | CMS Integration

Large imagery and ease of use was vitally important

A simple design to catch the eye

The new website gets across key details to any potential visitors – and show the unique space they had created. The images were also vitally important, so I created spaces to allow for big, bold imagery to draw the users attention. The site also features areas to upload food and drinks menus, and a Map glued to the bottom pin-pointing the bars exact location.

Case Studies

I've worked with some amazing clients

Designing websites is my passion. I aim to deliver nothing but the best for my clients. Don’t just take my word for it, view a selection of my latest work and see how we can work together to help improve your digital presence.


Temporarily Unavailable – My Keyboard is on Vacation*

Hello! Thanks for visiting - unfortunately I’m no longer taking on any new freelance projects as I currently hold a full-time agency position. If you are an existing client, you can continue to contact me as normal.

* I'm not actually on vacation, I wish!